Sexy Leg-Day Workout

Strong, Muscular & Toned legs

By FitLiftingBaddies

So my favorite body part is my legs and I have become obsessed  

I have been on so many workout program since I was in high-school and I found some key exercise that worked for me.

Some of the exercises that I used helped a ton in my throwing career. This includes explosiveness and strength which, is great to have even if you are not a thrower.

Explosiveness and Strength Gluteus Workout

The 5×10 Workout Includes

    • Start with a easy weight and every set add 5lb to the bar
  1. Deep Clean
  2. Landmines
  3. One-leg press
  4. Split Squats

You can start your fitness journey at anytime but, keep in mind that this journey is not a sprint. By starting a journey of progression, this allows your body to build endurance and yield significant.

Try this workout for month, record your progress and embrace the journey.

For more information about me and my Fit Lifting Baddies follow us on Fitliftingbaddies on IG. For online coaching and personalized workout email us at

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