Baddies Full Body
Lifting Routine
for Toned Arm

Tone-up your arms, chest and back

By FitLiftingBaddies

Have you ever had to bike with your chest in the snow because, you can not use your arms?

It’s the beginning of track season and that meant coach can try whatever, workouts they want to whoop us in shape. In the back of my mind I could tell I was going to die!

Unlike most people I LOVE LEG DAY, but this was not leg day. It was mostly arms.

After, the workout I questioned if I would ever use my arms. I did see significant results in size and strength.


My focus on lifting distracts me from the pain within.

Below is information on the benefits of the exercise and links to where to find the product of you are creating your own home gym. 

With this work out you are sure to see impactful results.


Biceps Curls 

This exercise can be done with either the bar bell or dumbbell.

Muscles at the front of the upper arm, and also the muscles of the lower arm—the brachialis, and brachioradialis.

Incline Dumbbell Fly

This exercise can be done using a incline bench.

Targets the top of the pecs more than the flat version of the exercise does.


This exercise can be done with weights, with dumbbell or bar bell.

An effective exercise in terms of strengthening legs and buttocks.


This exercise can be done with weights, with dumbbell or bar bell

An effective exercise to target your triceps. 

For online coaching and personalized workout email us at more information about me and my Fit Lifting Baddies follow us on Fitliftingbaddies on IG.

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