The Beginning

I didn’t know that this was going to be my major when I attended college.

It just happened to be something that I knew that I could pass as a major since Biomedical science was not going well.

Let’s start from the beginning, 2012 I had just finished high school on my way to a little private school, and no one could not tell me that I wasn’t going to be a biologist who also did track, but by 2014 that plan didn’t seem like it was going to pan out.

After switching to a D2 school, along with switching my major to BMS while doing track I soon realized that in order to reach my goal as a public health scientist I could take another route.

The Transition

The first semester, I had a class called cultural anthropology.

Being a lover of history and fascinated with movies like the mummy the idea of anthropology didn’t seem foreign or unconventional.

During that class, I realized that although anthropology has its racist beginning, we as a minority have a strong and powerful voice when it comes to discussing the study and evolution of people.

The End

I’m not going to lie after I graduate with a B.S in Anthropology/ Biology I found it hard to talk about my major, mainly because it is not the typical degree that most people get.

However, that is why I am writing and changing the focus of this blog, as an African American Anthropologist considered a millennial I want to make a difference and share my perspective.

While living a healthy lifestyle through fitness and educating myself on the benefits of eating healthier like different cultural groups.

I hope that you will continue this journey with me and like, share, and comment on it so we can make a correlation with understanding humankind as we progress

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