Big Glute Workout

Glutes have been the trending muscle recently for women and men. Some of the workouts can be done at home or within your local gym. This workout is a good start for those interested in getting fit and starting their fitness journey. This is designed to be a full leg workout, focusing on form rather than weight and with consistently results are guaranteed. 

Bar Bell, Yoga mat, Leg machine

What to do:
Perform each move for the designated number of reps with no rest between moves. Rest 30 seconds.  Complete all 3 rounds, rest 30 seconds and repeat the whole workout.


10 Donkey Kicks
10 Firehydrates
10 Lunges
20 Step-Up
10 Leg Press
10 Hip Thrust
10 Split Squats
10 Goodmorning
10 Leg Curl
10 Romanian Deadlift

Rest 3 Seconds

Repeat entire workout 3 times

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For more information about me and my Fit Lifting Baddies follow us on Fitliftingbaddies on IG.

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