Can Civilization Survive Covid-19

By: Female Black Anthropologist 

In society, does the rise of pandemics occur due to human influence or environmental influence? I want to look at past civilizations and how they hanged the pandemic for understanding better if we can take anything away.


I once read that “since man is the creator of civilization, disease, by affecting his life and actions, influences his creations also.

Are we suffering the consequence of those before us due to us not addressing the main issues?

As we see the rise of metropolitan cities throughout history, we see the outbreak of disease, for example, London with the explosion of cholera and The Black Death: Bubonic Plague, which was felt in most of Europe along with the Mediterranean from 1346 until 1353 which, estimated to have killed 5 million people.

 If large groups of people no longer live so close together in cities, the spread and death from these diseases would not have been so impactful on society.


The U.N. estimated that, in 2009, half the world’s population lived in urban areas for the first time in human history.

When changing from hunter-gather system to becoming farmers strictly, like the Bantu tribe of South Africa whose diet was altered significantly after the white colonizers imposed on the people’s lifestyle, that did not allow for economic mobility substantial food source.

With more people living in urban areas, you would think that access to food would not be an issue.

However, you see that it is a substantial problem and a reliable source of economy to pay for it. 

 The bodies’ inability to have appropriate nutrition and cultural factors like religion, education, and economic conditions determining our views on how we live our lives could be a critical factor that leaves people susceptible to Covid.

Are we too late to stop the train from leaving the train station to have?

Are we doomed to repeat the past?

Will the vaccine or the pandemic Forever changed man’s attitude towards life?

Where does that leave us?

  When access and nutritional food in the lack of food when allowing the body to be susceptible to


We must reflect on our experience to better prepare for life-threatening health issues.

We must never underestimate cultural factors that shape our views on life because we must not forget that how we live our own lives, our cultural factors are more evident than the environmental cause of disease.  

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